26. May, 2023
Sibinčič Križanec Novak
Ljubljana, SI
Ljubljana, SI

Proposal for an amendment of the Animal Protection Act
On April 13, 2023, a group of members of the Slovenian Parliament submitted a proposal for amendments of the Animal Protection Act. The proposed Amendment is currently in the second reading within the Parliament.
The key goal of the Proposed Amendment, which was received rather negatively by the Veterinary Chamber of Slovenia, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Slovenian farmers, is to strengthen the responsible ownership of animals as sentient beings, to reduce the number of abandoned and mistreated animals, and to deepen the awareness of the values of the animal welfare.
15. May, 2023
SOG Law Firm
Belgrade, RS
Belgrade, RS

Women’s Representation and Participation in the Modern Business World – the Example of the Republic of Serbia
The participation of women in business is not only a matter of gender equality and social justice but is also a crucial prerequisite for sustainable economic growth and social progress, particularly in the face of the multiple challenges that humanity is currently confronting. The inclusion of women in business reduces unemployment and ensures greater economic growth, which is of particular importance for countries in transition, such as the Republic of Serbia.
07. May, 2023
SOG Law Firm
Belgrade, RS
Belgrade, RS

Mandatory Submission of the Incorporation Application in Electronic Form for the Companies
The Ministry of Commerce of the Republic of Serbia has announced that the applications regarding the incorporation of companies (among others, limited liability companies and joint stock companies) can be submitted only in electronic form as of 18 May 2023 via a designated user application of the Serbian Business Registers Agency (“SBRA”).
04. May, 2023
Sibinčič Križanec Novak
Ljubljana, SI
Ljubljana, SI

Amendment of the Foreigners Act
On 28 March 2023, following an urgent procedure, the National Assembly adopted the Act Amending the Foreigners Act (hereinafter: “Amendment“), which entered into force on 27 April 2023, the day after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.
26. Apr, 2023
Sibinčič Križanec Novak
Ljubljana, SI
Ljubljana, SI

Regulation on Markets in Crypto-assets (MiCA) adopted by the European Parliament
On 20 April 2023, the European Parliament adopted the Markets in Crypto-assets Regulation (hereinafter: MiCA Regulation) by a great majority.
It is a comprehensive regulation of the field of cryptocurrencies at the EU level, currently unique in the world. The goals, which the MiCA Regulation aims to achieve are transparency of crypto-asset transfers, control over crypto-asset service providers, consumer protection, prevention of market manipulation and prevention of money laundering, while still maintaining investment and development potential of the industry in the EU.
26. Apr, 2023
SOG Law Firm
Belgrade, RS
Belgrade, RS

SOG Advised Renault Group Concerning its Divestment Program
SOG Law Firm and DLA Piper’s French office advised the Renault Group concerning its divestment program, including Serbian jurisdiction.
25. Apr, 2023
SOG Law Firm
Belgrade, RS
Belgrade, RS

SOG Advises PowerChina on the Largest Wind Farm Project Ever Built in Serbia
SOG Law Firm advised PowerChina Resources on envisaged acquiring a 51% share from CWP Europe in Vetrozelena doo, a project company developing the 297,6 MW Vetrozelena wind farm project located in Pančevo, autonomous province Vojvodina in the northern quarter of Serbia.
21. Apr, 2023
SOG Law Firm
Belgrade, RS
Belgrade, RS

Can our dog’s name identify us?
Dogs are becoming an increasingly significant part of our lives. Regardless of the owner’s age – we can acknowledge that almost everybody enjoys their time patting a dog. Moreover, many people are addressing their dogs as babies, recognizing them as a part of the family.
Nevertheless – can we go that far and say that our pet’s, i.e., dog’s name can identify us?
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